Tuesday, July 30, 2013

the time is now

There are some things i've been meaning to get off my chest for a while now.  I didn't know who to turn to in these times of need but I was aware that I had to vent and who better to vent to than a small group of strangers that may or may not even read this..  I think I've not posted for about a month and I blame my minimal problems on my schedule

laptop boogers


alright, stop.  been trying to complete this post for the last 3 weeks so i've decided to seal the deal on this rant's unfair fate by dumping a large amount of photos that are unrelated to now and moving right along. 

Our time is being spent without power (apart from 1 inverter thats being used 3 different camera batteries (Guff + me), 3 laptops, phones and my doubleAs..  also we've no connectivity to the outside world/i'm too busy living the road life to organise myself.

misc highway man, I like this photo because I feel that if you were to personify Duke Nuke, into the modern world of mundaneity, this guy would be your man.


Chaddy!  I miss this kid but it's a classic bring back situation.  He's travelling the world skating but as luck would have it our paths are parallel across continents.  Hope you're frothing on the EU!


driving on a bridge at night/full moon


Big Ring, check.  Assembly out, check.  Sam Best, check him out.


misc 1


misc 2


misc 3


this girl is rad!  luckily for me she was in Brisbane just before I left!   
when good people go great


cat, not a single worry


pig, worrying about everything.


a DGM shot from our Japan trip.


wigson, now part of the Goodtime team


jrach, probably switch


more wigson



this was at Big Bank, note Mt Fuji in the background, this place is an outdoor person's paradise. 


5 stars of accommodative glory, Narita.


this is Laska, she works at the Landyachtz factory in Compton.  Yes, Compton.  Needless to say she strikes fear into the hearts of the crackmen pushing out the front of the factory, luckily she looks gnarly, because she's a big baby


maybe i'll post about this trip before i get back to Aus, maybe <3 font="">

Monday, July 1, 2013

take responsibility for your own happiness.

I had a big chapter written but I reread it and quickly realised that i'd taken 300 words to whinge about the rain and how lazy I am, so I replaced it with this sentence.

Things always works themselves out, it's just a matter of distracting yourself from tears in the meantime, but right now the distractions are interfering with the ultimate goal, (living in a Van in Can/US indefinitely with a dog and eagle), because this current sense of wavering discipline is not resulting in the earning of max-cash, it's fine.  Today I had to submit 5 articles worth of photos and rants to Heelside mag, another gallery for Concrete Wave and a pair of misc jobs from last week.  I don't intend to be like yeah jacob does good, as my intentions are purely to preach my reasons for fulltime Canadian/Usa residence, for you see, riding and documenting of skateboards going down hills can't really be done anywhere else, take me to the promise land...  I mean, the scene is big here in Aus but it's not what I want to immerse myself in, I love Australia, it's got the best skies and clouds in the world, but the hills are average and lack conduciveness to my desire to drive around foreign countries inspecting views, sampling the greater skate community, talking to myself and attaining what I believe is true freedom, a house on wheels which can provide income without any phyisical 'base.'   But I was somewhat qualmed because I'm yet to go to Canada, Vancouver more specifically, which makes going there for the summer/whole year a bad idea in the sense of foresight.. I'm a sucker for spontaneity/too poor at managing time to plan anything at all, but it's the little things that will make or break my visitation.  I didn't even realise that petrol in New Zealand was $2.20+ until I was 3 days into the trip!  I don't think it will really matter as I know, for sure, that South America is a phenomenal place, so worse comes to worse i'll just drive down there and preach accordingly, i'll probably porque no los dos that situation anyway.

Strike may have renamed me Ladder but surely he deserves equal naming rights.


Guff, Dillon and I enjoying a rainforest vista/waterfall/epic hill.


a little overloaded but the upstairs master's quarters made for the most relaxing long hauls ever.  It even had a plumbless ensuite for the brave.





little spoon in a big cave.


it's probably easy to gest at this hobo's state of residency, financial status and responsibilities, most people would assume he wasn't having a good time, i did too, but he's having a great time.


daft gibson, in reference to helmet design, not cognitive levels..



this is Craig Bond, he's got a mad beard, sails on tall ships, tattoos people with a toothbrush and skateboards really well.    I  heard that he got engaged, i'm not entirely sure if its true, but if he did get engaged, tis here foto might be presenting a subtle level of distress, or he's wigging about negotiation the Testicle Facility at max speeds.


he's also a mean whittler.


a pair of guys who's company is never enough.


as with these two chaps.


Pine Marten, unrelated other than surname phonetics.


rock barrels


dog at the aptly named Elagnara.


The American Dream doing what he does best, chilling predominately, but also negotiating hills better than everyone.


here's another shot for DGM, pretty excited to hang out with these guys again at Giants Head!  Oh yes!  going to Canada in the next few weeks for a month or so, not sure what dates exactly but i've gotta be there for the beginning of August. Taste meeeeeeeeee


relevant. always.

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