Saturday, February 27, 2010



i don't like swearing but i'd rather swear than upside down smile :( but not to worry, i sent out willow to catnap dinosaur jr for me, i'm pretty confident.. noone messes with this face

willow close

Friday, February 26, 2010

almost back!

yay internets! but being that i have nothing to do, i probably will be too busy to catch up on whats happened until the next week.. i'm not sure if i should superpost or do many small topic related posts- here's a lady beetle

lady beets

Thursday, February 18, 2010

i'm losing my shit


Steve's standing next to me, styling.. these two old guys in front of me are repping the goat boat and claiming that i could take over the world, providing i have ample free hats to give to my ever-enduring followers...

i've got no internet! that's why i've been neglecting this blog and all other e-avenues through which my lowly feet trapse often.. but it hasn't been all upside-down smiles, infact there's been plenty of smiles all round!

I GOT TO SHOOT WITH A D80 and wet my pants every time it exposed!! i saw the songs play an opening set, which was glory in itself! let along that they were opening for yo la tengo.. yet again, my limp vocabulary will not be able to do the members, their music and their gloriousness when playing live ANY justice whatsoever so i'm not going to bother with any other word than glory. recently: i've had a picnic, fun times with a took plenty of photos, worked a lot, danced a lot, spent alot (of money), drew on myself a lot and planned on starting my own dairy farm so i could make the ULTIMATE iced coffee- all i need is a lot (hahahaha [of grass perhaps, or maise- apparently milk milked from milk cows that have been eating daisies taste better)

i think my internet is on the road to being upgraded so there is a chance that this pain could be over earlier than the first of march and my need to creep Albanian crossdressers will soo be fulfilled.

so i can't upload any photos but i got this off facecool

Sunday, February 14, 2010

fluorescent grey

my download is currently at 98.5% for the month.. disregarding a possible change to our limits i probably won't be able to upload much at all over the next month as (thanks optus) uploading photos counts towards my download limit.. so when i can, i'll be pho(to)mbarding your eyes with potential glory.

if sad times are upon you, try and enjoy this photo.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

exciting stuff

work now, rant later

bypass momument

also, i took out a gopro to straddy yesterday, the waves were pretty fun but lasted for only 30 minutes, here's a vid framey

left hand straddz barrel small

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

glory galore

especially at 2:45

a potentially great day

going for waves now! and i plan on scoring as well as using this little underwater digital thingo! i've got a pretty good idea of how it handles, i guess i'll find out when i get back.. and then it's household nothingness fun times followed by a rendezvous with a serious spook..

here's a horse, this fisheye i borrowed is a touch glorious

fency horse




speed racer

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

i washed my hands before touching these keyboards

i am king of the creeps

actually that's a lie, i'm just bored..


12 o'clock

midday starts suck.

it's ever more sucky when i've been at the coast for 2 days and hanging with some amazing people...


unfortunately it's time for me to go and be part of society.

i want your fringe

i'll definitely be creeping the blog later tonight

Sunday, February 7, 2010


sand ahoy!! hahahahahahahahahahhaaaha.. i'll be back tomorrow, miss me... please.

walking in sand

btw, in my posession (borrowed possesion) is a fish, not called wanda- but still good.

inside ptron

unlike the other two this one has nothing to do with anything, besides padlocks, fences, work, the colour green and the god among men they call McBeckett

mr mcbeckett

duties at the loom

some more from the disney party i went too

89 yo la tengo

45 seby close

and here are some from a jungle thing





there may be some photos i like taking that i'll put up maybe today, but probably not

shredd'n the narnar


due to a computer fail, i lost a pretty amazing photo i took of some crazy clouds with a power-lines/poles sillyowet. thankfully i shot it drive by, and in tune with my drive by style i took 3 shots while on the move, luckily the 2nd in the sequence still came out relatively nice (the third was horrible).. i would've been very sad if i couldn't have shown you these clouds

clouds and powerlines

Friday, February 5, 2010


sorry about all of these comic posts but i feel it's necessary...

bleep bloop <3

three boats

foot in sand

also, watch this please

Thursday, February 4, 2010


there's no such thing as too many titles containing 'glory' in its original or manipulated form. but the title isn't refering to the gloryness of glory but to the glory of the king of the united glorydom and the dutchess of glorycester.

this is their backyard

sherwood forrest lake

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

danger zone

the day i can relate to this video is the day i become a real man

in the meantime i'll stick to things i can understand- retail manager 7.0, the perfect sequence in which my dishes should be washed and this comic strip..


i didn't get into photography at uni, pewp.. so i'm undecided whether i should do it at tafe or freestyle for another year as next year, i'll be a middle aged student... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha

William Jolly Bridge

sand lines

p.s! if you've got any thoughts on the relation of the painting and the photo (previous post) in reference to the quote at the beginning, i'd love to hear!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

la dispute

The walked away and the thrown-away on one side, and on the other,
Those who pretended not to see them, because not seeing is easier.
J. Michael Straczynski

Alyssa Monks - bed, 2003


Monday, February 1, 2010


i heard someone say 'i like the deliberate aphasia between the bass modulation and the rhythym' and then all that came to mind was 'i like walks on the beach and the three wolf moon T-shirt.

here are some more random fillers as im off to the coast for a night and day.


rock ridge
