my current levels of exhaustion have thankfully been rarely reached. A week of Multi-faceted cooking, thanks to an overall sense of GSD and commitment to the get shit done lifestyle, has lead me to here, a place where my ability to recall any particular details of note from the last few days is equal to the stamina left in my body after not sleep, working and multiple hours of fury-skating and hiking (and the staircase to stoke, which serves me an averaged total of 456 stairs/hour. All I need is an early night but hindsight/95% of the time I hit a wall post-dinner of such gargantuan strength that only complete conformity can get me through it (unless i go to bed at 7:33m which is probably not a bad idea but GSD) and right now I am on that path. I figure meekly writing on this blog might take long enough to open the gate to productivity but I seem to just be sinking closer and closer to deep zees. I might just leave this here as, right now, my need to think, work and not fall asleep is greater than that of trying to manipulate semantics into substance.
speedlab, illford3200
fast forward is backwards
here's another video from NZ and the N-Tense D-Centz tour, I filmed it, with the help of Gabe and MattK did the editing, im pretty stoked on it, the video is almost as chilled as the trip was.
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