Monday, June 24, 2013

bubbles, babes, bananas and a bunch of Bangarangs

Last Tuesday I was supposed to shoot some misc interior stuff of a nice place for a nice guy, an ideal case of general, but firstly I had to reacquire my camera of Reuben, however, upon requesting, he told me that he needed it for a video he was doing on the same day.  Long story short, my shoot got cancelled so I met up with Reubs to help him out with his shoot.   Another long story short, we spent the day blurring the boundary between advertising and soft-core porn, with the sun and some well-planned props. It was the first time I'd found myself on a commercial fashion shoot and initially it was a little unsettling, but that never helped anyone, so it was forgotten, plus there were plenty of exciting things on hand to distract me.   To shed more on the unsettlage, it was probably coming about because I had to film with no lights, a misc backstreet in the valley as a set and a bodyboard as a reflector, but on the other hand, we had fantastic talent; which let me go deep into the visual on the back of my camera, not whats infront of it.   Bolivian  music video v2.


I snapped this while we were filming.  I geuss I felt more comfortable knowing that we were making a video and not photos because you don't have to airbrush videos.

Attention, this video isn't really appropriate for everyone so by clicking this link you take full responsibility for the existence of the obscene visuals that you'll shortly be witnessing.  That may sound outrageous but it was YOU that clicked it into existence.. reality tunnels, representative realism etc etc... 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I hope your dreams will all come true.

   I'm perpetually qualmed by my laptop's memories vs. the data generation of my camera, it's not new, I've definitely used this subject to aid me in the crafting of at least 4 dozen blog posts in my time but thats obviously casj because I'm sure you've forgotten about it.   As for the now, I'm still deep, even DEEPER!! as I've been saving in TIFF which is a giant forget but also allows for ideal workflows (in every sense outside of the file size) because it's apparently lossless.  Which isn't really a big deal, nor is my hypocrisy on this point, because I used to lerf at TIFFers but that was because I was only aware that at face value/first save there is no difference in CAFness, but if you re-open, re-save, forward to a designer, who opens and closes it 14 times, you end up with some sub-CAF visuals.  It's a curse easily cured by a portable harddrive.  I should just do it.  

In other CAF related news, my buddy OSL The CAF GOD and DGM pal (also shares my love of acronyms) just had his RV burn out with all of his camera gear!  Let him be in your prayers.  

And now, back to that first paragraph, I've been sourcing images from my current external for misc reasons, which is extremely ideal, because it always results in misc browsing of forgotten folders of varying states of incompletion.  

And now, I'm done with this as i gotta GSD and write captions to these.

Deep Bolivian villages, this particular village is somewhere in the Chuquisaca Department, and they seem to exist, scattered, throughout the entirety of the Bolivian sections of the Andes.  I guess it's super casj when one compares it to the fury of Patagonia..


A-frame perfection at Ocean Beach in San Fransisco  back in February.  This was the same swell that hit the Mavericks invitational, needles to say, Mavs was casual.


I shot this while shooting JM Duran (original blue-suit bomber) skating the novelty streetscapes that are offer in San Fran.  This shot was on a street running perpendicular to Lombard Street, it's full of trams which makes for some interesting skating, also Nicolas Cage lives on top and I wee'd in his garden out of respect.


JM Duran in the American Dream.


China, California.


more JM, this was a prod. still from a video we shot for DGM.  Should be rad!!  


Kelly craning for the ladies.


I assume this is the Bay Bridge


People tear people for not wearing helmets, I obviously condone helmet wearing 100% but surely it's entirely contextual.


Some birds flying over a misc building in Berkeley on sundown.


Kyle Martin in one of the most extraordinary displays of sharlping I've witnessed.  This hill is in QLD,  only been skated by us (having signed waivers) and will probably host a world title race in the near future..  


Saturday, June 8, 2013

here lies Title, a fellow proponent to casj peaching and missdirection, will be dearly missed.

the age old rivalry of lamb vs restlessness has reared it's transcendental head once again.  This time lending itself to parameters of sunset and my works hours as we penetrate the cold and dark depths of an onsetting winter.  All this because I can't skate after work...  I'm sitting next to a wall of windows, being forced to witness the inverse relationship between and sun and stoke.  Obviously the night is full of stoke but I've recently prescribed to a one-track-mind type scenario as skateboarding makes me feel really really really good inside and I've given up all other kj burning calories so when I can't skate things go down, but not me.. on a hill. tears.

I'm doing my best to convert aforementioned restlessness into motivation to do great and wonderful things!  I've been doing stuff last week, taking phots etc, it was rad.  Goodtime was also rad.  This rant is tears, I want to think and type about something that tickles my learner. I wrote a HUGE rant/article the other day about mescaline and my fingers are still feeling the residual strain.  It felt strange writing an informatively pro mescaline rant for a publication who's audience may span to as young as 14 year olds...  I felt a little reckless to be honest but the experience was everything but..  i basically said, this stuff is rad, you'll have a sick time and be better because of it, but don't take drugs unless you know you'll be fine with whatever goes down, and you're comfortable with yourself and sent it away... your's sincerely, responsible Lamb.    (i'll post it and the pictures after it's been publicised) 

I'm making money, which is nice, but the problem is that my plan involves me saving 20k, which means i'll have 20k in my possession, and all of the proceeding dollars, at some point in time which means i could spend it, which is obviously tears because that is so very very easy.

These photos are all film, apart from the last 3 (2 skating and clouds) and are a general smattering from misc times, as is the way of my poor developing structure and posting regime.  Also i'm pretty sure i teared myself/film stash with heat damage.

his jacket is on it.. porta400


This was atop our 2nd find, this hill was a service road for a mountainside of green tea plantations.  These roads are EXTREMELY tight and mostly concrete, the level of difficulty is so high that you can't even think about it, to be distracted from the act would be certain death as washing out on a hairpin ment a 15 meter fall.



Here's a video we (me driving, bob on camera) shot of Ben on a hill much like the ones above.  So much tech, so much gnar.  This raw run is 1/4 of potential length.  

This is Oli, in my opinion he's a regular benchmarkist in downhill photography, stoked to have become buds with him and even more stoked that together we are working towards a better future... fujipro400


The American Dream, James Kelly, sampling some congratulator chills post ascension of Mt Manuel in Big Sur California.  fujipro400


Bobert pushing around San Fran portra400


Big Sur, fujipro400


Caloundra, no-name 200iso.


"call him what you wish, i recommend satan's little helper, but cferg is a rad dude and makes skateboards go really fast, here he is, doing just that in this visual scenario of light vs evil/good vs bad, during the grom's final at newton's nation, which he won, making him the fastest grombat on earth." Lamb 05/13


preceyes, Jonas Richter



casj times at butter high heights.  Also, spontaneous camping trip was just confirmed as there's  5 days of rain forecast in my hellish city :'( , im leaving in 30 minutes.. epico.