work-fun balance is proving to be the most intriguing thing i've ever considered. Working means less fun but also more fun plus good feelings induced by completing tasks, not working means more fun but eventually less fun minus the gratification of doing anything but somehow seems to be ever more desirable. perhaps perfectly inline with my photographic ideals relating to instant gratification....
ive relapsed into heavy milk use and it's been a 1L a day affair for the last week... I don't know if my desires have presented themselves based upon my ever forgiving notions towards work ethic and GSD or if i'm just replacing snacks with mondo amounts of dairy.
all i know for sure is that actual realisations and the intense introspection that generally follows is the easiest bit about change, it [the thought] may be odd or shocking but thats just a thought- the doing is obviously the real intrigue... i can happily tell myself anything all day, figured that one out a while ago perhaps maybe.
He's still waiting for me, in the sense that i'm terribly organised and generally late- this was shot on one of our first ever dates.
unrelating emotionally geared photo from the past.
Mitch and I went on a journey to find the origin and explore the proportionality of a tranq-dank scale, a fittingly suitable idea for representing the faux inverse relationship of tranquility and discomfort that we'd only just then become witness to....
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