Wednesday, November 5, 2014


alright sick, it's confirmed, i don't know what i want and i think knowing is quite dangerous.   upon obtaining what I perceived to be my ultimate dream life I realised that dreams are purely a guide to what is next and could be more accurately described as a disguised goal-due to it's perceived unattainability.  i thought travelling the world skateboarding and taking pictures of it was the be all and end all but i've realised that it is not- it's incredibly sick, but its not. i think i took a major life-shortcut in assuming that all greatness comes from doing what you want to do- im sure this [freedom] plays a huge role but i think i am realising that 'doing' is forgettable because 'feeling' is forever enduring...

i assume i'm similar to most of you in the sense that casting review upon ones self in years passed generally insights embarrassment [fashion] but this is acceptable because it's relevant to time..  however, consider your past-personality and it generally insights emotions much more significant than embarrassment...  personality transcends eras and trends because it is the route of all things personal, not a guise- such as fashion, and everything you do and perceive is relevant to your person, not time.  

perhaps this is why i enjoy dressing ridiculously..  because concerns regarding self-consciousness last only the instant in-which they present themselves, but stoke, contentedness and having a good time will for as long as i can remember it.... i guess hence why people say being nice will get you far in life..

anyhow, enough wig- time for some reality.

Last august Landyachtz sent Guff, Kyle Martin and myself out to Montreal to chase some footage and photos for Kyle.  It was a tricky trip for a handful of reasons but for the sake of exampling i'll highlight only the fact it rained 85% of the trip and with only one skater proactivity can be hindered by tiredness/injury etc-  i can't be bothered writing anymore, photo time.


Guff in the cemetery. 


Kyle atop the 'big bank' in Montreal's Olympic park


Kyle atop Hôtel-de-Ville 


Cemetery runs on the only sunny day






Montreal has the second largest underground pedestrian/train network in the world as in winter it regularly sits around -40ºc



it wasn't all a waste


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