Monday, May 31, 2010


i get to go for a drive with the some creep who calls herself charmly bt the only thing charming about charmly is that of the air, when her stench vacates your presence..

close white


small spanioel

look closely at this photo...


Sunday, May 30, 2010

cheesin it

shot disco disco again- here are some, there are maybe another 2 dozen or so on Wanderers and the rest will be on the DD site at some stage





ol mate


my boss



roger ramlet

club life

i think these three photos do a pretty good job of portraying nightlife photography,
all in the space of one minute

2:21 am




cheery-a cheery-e cheery-i cheery-o cheery-u

crazy mang

some planted and some pulled

so there was this trip a while back down to the central coast. it was one of the best surf trips i've ever been on to date and i'm still yet to get at the photos.. hopefully i won't have them backlogged for as long as the dino jr trip.. anyway, to spread the smiles i thought i'd upload on of the very limited number of wave photos i took...


sand dollars

mr danvers

Saturday, May 29, 2010

super chilled

shot discodisco last night- it was definitely not super chilled
however i did have a talk with Sigrid Sagorski, who was shooting, about uni life
(be sure check out her blog here fbfotopage)
and after talking to her about studying photog i'm now keener than ever to get into uni and slave for suffix (and hopefully a job)




Friday, May 28, 2010

my faveys from afforposted trip

here are my favourites in no particular order and no particular reason but i felt it would be better to split them up instead of lumping the whole load in one fell post- also these are in big size therefore better to look at..

also, i'm pretty sure i may have posted some of these before hand- it's been so long i've lost track :/


old mate bridge

water fireness southwest



lou 1


sharpes sunset southeast

murph 1


joe green face

Thursday, May 27, 2010

smile-hunting induced happy times

Birthed through the tears of two heartbroken fellows, emotionally distraught after news of the cancellation of the Lost Weekend Festival- this trip was formed through our need for dinosaur jr and the restoration of smiles in our once smile ridden existence.. The news of a Byron Side show (and Brisbane, but Brisbane is for suckers and people who like the zoo...) brought mixed emotions- joy, bliss, elation, glee, smiles and good times.....

But it wasn't just dinojrtrip related joy that came from the cancellation of the lost weekend, the refunded cash moneys went towards my allesandro-grado music series phones in, what many would go on to call, a very controversial use of such a limited resource. But it was one of the best decisions i've made to date regarding cashmoney, a close second to buying my first camera.

NOW it's time to sinken-zu hozimay this post and hopefully something in here will be enjoyed by you.

TAKE NOTE of the following
this trip was back in early march, so this recount may not be perfect....
also to the power of two- this will be set out in chapters...
ALSO i'll be putting these ones up in 500px- if you desire to see the 900px versions, click the pic and then hit original size


shit got real at around 10 oclock on tuesday the ninth of may when tom and i rendezvoused somewhere (sweet memory jacob) and proceeded to mums house to claim what would be the car/house/rave cave/studio/changeroom of the trip. Accompanying me on this journey was the great Tom Pyle. We managed to finally be on the road by 11, only to hit stand still traffic five minutes along the urban corridor..

travel chum tom- not ruby, she had to stay as she's too fat and would've overloaded the car
1 pyle car

the tracks maker- i think we did around 1000kms over the 3 days if my memory serves me correctly
the tracks maker

pre-midnight traffic

we arrived around 2:30 and set up camp, by parking the car, at around the same time... after which we chilled at the beach and saw the high rollers in anticipation for some sweet shakkkks the next day, i also attempted to get some shots before bed at around 4am.
It was just before bed that disaster struck- the ever amazing 17-55 f/2.8 that i'd borrowed for the trip fell over- tripod, body and all- completely fucking the upper shape of the outer casing and misaligned 2 elements- this meant i was stuck between 17 and 33mm and it was less sharp than the $150 kit lens i use normally :( plus it was getting weird aberrations and strange colours in the highlights
i'm still paying off this lens :/

beach path to the place we decided would house the greatest number of shacks
flat rock beach track

this shot should give u a good idea of what was pushing through
sharpes night time

campground amenities/public toilets

we woke up, just, at around 7 and went down to the beach and was met with some pretty average stuff, my lens fiasco related tears were looking as if they wanted to keep me in paintown for a little while longer yet.. when on the horizon, around the corner, to the south, on a tidy s/sw facing shelf we eyed off some tasty pits. we drove around and got ready to get potential shacks, while getting ready we ran into some friendly frothing locals that were saying it was pretty tide-y... and that the packway drive main man was out the shralping the gnargnar.
over the next 3-4 hours we lucked into 3-5 wide-as-they-were-high hollow grinding left hand ledgy pits running off the top of the ledge for about 75 meters before dieing in the channel.. i witnessed tom almost die- twice and some epic epic barrels
it was so good infact that even if tom had needed hopsitalization and the trip was to be cancelled from here forth i still would've been content- however in said development, it's wasn't i that was to be hospitalized...

tom pre shakks
pyle car smile mkii

tom post shakks- needless to say.. he didn't get burnt
zinc attack

to give u an idea of the conditions, this was lennox the day after we scored.. take into consideration that the swell was all south and had peaked the day before- the winds stayed the same

after scoring to the highest we went into ballina and scored some fuds and dubspressed. we checked out nth wall ballina and then back to where we were prior but decided against getting waves and figured sleep was the best option as we were keen on arvo waves and still had dinojr to see that night

food stop no.1
chicken mania

food stop no.1-2
chew of wisdom

ballina's dubspress offerings

anyway we slept woke and surfed again and got some pretty sweet waves
here are some stills from the gopro video mode so sorry about the horrendous quality

dinojrwe 1

sharps baz

token post wave jive
pyle suited and jiving

as you probably can tell from the shot above, the sunset was pretty epic so the next batch of fotos are from after waves and before we made our way to djr

i know how controversial black and white may seem here but i was shooting handheld at 800iso while on wet rocks getting hit by waves and trying to deal with some gnarnar contrast as you can probably imagine

sunset used first

b+w sharpes southwest

sunset pink

b+w vert cliffs

drive by lights

northern walls

so basically got alot of photos in that 30 minute window, you may have seen others from that arvo that i've posted before..

we ate on the way through to byron at the suffolk palk rsl/surf club which was this psudeo classy beach place that was really just a new version of any other shitty beach town rsl. except the parmigiana was $20


we got into djr a little later than we'd expected as we'd totally forgotten about the whole daylight savings situation and missed the first 2 songs.. no big loss though, it only got better from there one in...

j mascis 1

murph speed


murph pain

j bdub

in token dinojr style my ears rang for the next three days but the enjoyment obtained will be with me for the rest of my life. they played like the sound- half men half amazing. Joe Masics is fkn amazing, he doens't do anything besides jamming and plays guitar like no one else all the while somehow understanding and going crazy on this (below) array of pedal, knobs and switched


we drove back to the same place as the last night, hoping to score more tidy reef shacks but unfortunately we weren't greated with the same epicness of yesterday so we drove north until we got waves.
these shots are from the drive until we hit broken head where we ended up surfing for quite some time

stopped at lennox but the waves were lame and there were people on it



unfortunately the go pro fogged up and the stills are lame and the videos didn't come out at all so maybe you'll just bear with it?

wide wide one

shack looking in

banddub broken

also, i kicked a shark- that bitch didn't see what hit it, otherwise i'd probably maybe be dead...

by the time we'd come in the rain had well and truely started so we made the drive to a predistened mountain pit-stop that i visit every-time i head down that way. this is the first time i've done it with a camera so i was a bit excited... the rain did put a bit of a dampener on the drive and the photos but the country out there equals free photos and i would've been just a happy with a point and shoot.



i hate this photo

after stopping there we'd decided that home was probably the best option as it was too wet too shoot and the wind was gettting pretty bad.. about 10 minutes drive back towards the highway we saw a sign for the crystal castle and naturally out curiosity got the better of us in the same way a smaller child would've felt had the sign sad candy castle. Although, had i seen a sign saying candy castle, there would've been complete disregard of the no speed limit speed limit.

we got in free as the weather was horrid and it was almost closed




DSC_3004 small

to sum up this trip was a lifetimer! and it reinforces tom and I's idiom that planning is for suckers and you'll always have more fun making decisions as you go along.
dealing with the stress is half the fun

this is the last photo i took


and here are my strangely large looking bewbs/nipples


p.s. my favorites will be up on here tomorrow