Tuesday, October 19, 2010

snow photos, done.

finished! yay!!!! now i can get onto photos from the weekend, mainly rodeo rail.. i want to shoot more sports! after going through the snow ones and now this rail thingy it all seems like too much fun. I want to go to bed so i'm not doing the snow post now but here are three photos to get things rolling.

1st mitch saluting the snow gods for giving us a stupidly epic spring.
2nd is a van we passed just after byron on the way home, very epic van
3rd a shot from the weekends rail related affairs




rail rodeo was fun but i really need more practice in shooting that kind of thing to grasp some idea of proper timing, same goes with the snow but the snow i could kinda tell where/what people where heading/doing.


  1. Thse are great man!!!! Is this at Perisher?

  2. the top one that is. haha or another snow mounatin in oz?

  3. yeah dude thredbo! there's a post about the trip in the future
