Tuesday, December 14, 2010

western food is doing strange things to my chairs padding


today was pretty relaxed in the gsot. i ate a lot and watched some quality nat-geo programming... but more interestingly, I went for a stroll around the city and i had a great time!! i headed out with nothing but my clothes and my camera which proved a particularly good move as it started raining but also a silly move as i have no idea where i am/was/want to go at any one point...

I'd love to show you what i got but, thanks to some of charlies amazing handy work, i was inspired to shoot only with the FM with the trusty nikkor-s 35 and a leica 50 f2 in the pocket.

This proved very fun and made prancing in the rain at the 1/2 way mark enjoyable, as the idea of a worst case scenario didn't seem very bad by any means, because apart from the semi useful lightmeter theres nothing to get wet in that body (on the other hand it would've been tearful to get the d90 wet.)

Unfortunately my plans to stock up on nice film were foiled as it seems people only shoot black and white in this country.

I'm heading out to halong bay tomorrow which will be great!

i mentioned before re. photos from today, so these photos are a mix from a quick stroll tonight and my last evening in hoi an (i'd love to give you more variety but my first card of photos is somewhere deep within my bags, therefore not an option in my current state of motivation)







before coming over here i'd planned on getting into a band throughout the time i was here, with the intentions of A) having some good new tunes to involve myself in during flights/commute/walking/life and so that B) whenever in the future i revisit said band, i'll be overwhelmed with the glory of this trip as a casual undertone.... unforunately i was unorganised and didnt get anything until i was here, but drew on my snow trip with mitch and to a band we listened to briefly and i decided to give them a run, i ended up getting the discog and it was a good move.. i'm sure many of you will agree with my reckoning that dance gavin dance are great at sickly derived playful screamo and howeverelseyouwouldliketopidgeonholethem.


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