Sunday, January 30, 2011


all i strive for is anything that can be shredded, from cheese and photos to roads and gloves. I shot a party on friday, for the first time in quite some time and i had a lot of fun. Upon arrival i came to grief, assuming that it would be a night of tears, but the crew was sick and a new a few peeps so all was good... I'll probably have these done by tonight, at which point i'll surely be intrigued by vietnam photos or going down hills relatively fast.





Thursday, January 27, 2011

previous winch times

these shots are from a while ago (Oct 28) but i was sitting on them as one was apparently going to go to print. This was a pretty glorious session (a follow up on the previous nights rained out session of tears) and this time i managed to dial it in properly and get what I wanted! It's pretty silly how much better the photos were this night, simply by giving myself time to throw around ideas in my brains. The shot got run in the current wake mag so i thought i'd finally put these up.

alex lewis-hughes is in the beanie
cam prest is in the hat





Sunday, January 23, 2011

attained glory

Tonight has been pretty good! Full of photos, shredboarding and good news. I even did some ad's for goodtime, think microsoft paint production.... I went through some photos i shot last night, portrait stuff for a windsurfing company. The shoot was fun and the results were better than i expected. I was pretty scared to be honest, I'd never shot something like this but i was just putting it on a pedastool! It was insanely casual and a great experience all round! Below is a test shot for those piqued.....

there's also two wavescapes from last sunday when the waves were pretty special, the best i can recall for a few years and the best i've ever had Kirra.... Taking photos of the surf is something i'll always want to do but never ever have enough time... this is a bigger qualm than most other time related qualms because my coastal visits are rare and when i do, it's for barrels!!! the unresolvable tear.

and in other good news, i was informed earlier this evening that i've been run in wakeboarder mag. I'll have to confirm this tomorrow... you think they'd ask me first though :/ don't get me wrong, I'm feeling childhood-esque amounts of elation!

and some assorteds from peats ridge.

Sean O'Brien






Saturday, January 22, 2011


i just committed to a skate to dubspress, it was good!

more general nam



Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Flood: 11/01/11 p.m.


these photos are selected from my haul over the period of the floods, these are photos that i enjoy and or relate to the story I'm recounting. I'm not telling a story about the flood itself but my experiences during the crisis. the full album is here


it was a pretty strange thing to be a part of to say the least, and although my personal effects were not directly in water related qualms, my step dads business was predicted to be 2 meters under by 3pm on Thursday 13 Jan 2011. I was working from home, effectively composing adverts for general sale madness when i gained reception to a psychokinetic transmission from my brother in the room next door, informing me of the crisis at hand, upon which we swiftly made our way to the conveniently close by (and inconveniently low altitude) Moray street, new farm.

We slaved for a few hours and managed to basically clean the whole place of anything worth saving, including the horrendously overweight fax/copier/printer/deathray/scanner machine and two a0 plotters, each with a mass of 3 white-dwarfs sticky taped together.


After doing this i was on personal bliss street! i had two days off, a sick camera, a sick shredboard and an avid hunger for generally sick times so i shredboarded, shot and sick timed my way to a weekend in victory mode that started with a prowl through the city alongside Charlie on the tuesday night. The water was still coming up and not really that remarkable but nonetheless a tad frightening. I waded through my heebies and jeebies and go some shots that i liked... when i first got into photography i was rather partial to photos of the night but recently i've found it less enjoyable than other things, like the sun and to be honest i was expecting only tears for photos from this night but in the back of my mind i knew that i was in flooding city of free photos so really i was fine.







i like this photo because it reminds me how lonely and the isolated i felt.





The Flood: Wednesday daytimes

I ended up shooting through the entirety of Tuesday night and proceeded to do so well into Wednesday. I've picked up from the last post at this point , not at 12am, because the day time is a whole different kettle of potatoes and should be treated as such so this post is going to contain my shots from the morning of the 12th, starting at 4:35am until around 5:30pm.

The next photo, that you see below, was taken 9 minutes after the bridge shot (above) but nine minutes was all it took for the sky to go from dawn purple to morning blue. For me, Wednesday was a day i'll never forget for all the right reasons. I was gifted luck all day long and managed to maximise the smile count with great execution. The best part was heading down to pete's office at the peak height of the whole affair and finding the waterline centimeters below the floorline, 1 1/2 meters below what it had been predicted to reach, smiles all round indeed. From that point on i commited to adventuring and good times!!

I snapped this one from the riverwalk at 4:35am and the water was wrapping around my legs quickly but it felt solid, unfortunately the vantage i took is now somewhere in the ocean.


same thing, different perspective.


this shot should've been better. i'm standing on a wall that borders and pool and the river.


same wall



I found this locale up a few streets from the two shots above and met some very cool people! We had a chat as we were made aware of the full scale of this situation by the rising sun. I snapped some shots there and had a little adventure around the block and didn't really find much. I ended up pulling the pin shortly after a chat with my new pals.



Unfortunately my smiles we inverted when i dropped and broke an 85 1.8 :( at this point i was pretty close to dealing in bed but i decided to try the cliffs next to the story bridge, thankfully the lighting had some intrigue and the sky was blue, otherwise these photos would be overwhelmingly qualmed.

this sky was surely met with relief from the general crew.


that black thing was a boat i'm pretty sure



looking down Brunswick street from Merthyr road, Wednesday midday


emergency supplies


chasing smiles




I had a post feed nap and then headed out with the 1120mm for some telephoto hilarity!





the forground is what remains of Sydney Street station, in the background is the Mowbray Park Station.



I got sore arms pretty quick so i headed back home to equip myself with more suitable gear and headed out for a quick shoot around valley/newstead.


i found a cool house!










i'm ending this post here as what happened after this was something completely different.