EPOCH! I'm at cairns lurkport, struggling with my eye's colour correction and the amount of coffee I have assumed. Everything around me is green, the walls are green, the floor is green and the big panes of green tinted glass are especially green. If I keep my eyes on the screen my brain manages to get it together and provide me with white whites, if i look away the screen goes magenta (in my peripherals) and stays like that for a while. It's wiggidy, I've seen it before too. One time I emptied the cars out of my garage, blacked it out, put speakers down there, 4 day beds, a smoke machine and one of those super rad structural party lazers, a classic case of too much green, Whenever I managed to escape the wig dungeon I was not at all escaping, i was merely leaving the green world for the magenta world. Not that these problems are ever problems but right now I am trying to go through the last day of photos from my NZ trip (yaya!!!) just in time for another onslaught of visual intrigue.
This time I want to take a pseudo-bulk amount of photos, in the sense that I want a 75% shot ratio. Thus I've brought 2 film bodies and my bag of films. I've also figured that my wireless party can is perfectly casj with both of these film bodies. No excuses lamb. I bought a domain name (well my buddies bought it, I'll buy it later) for my website, its going to be lamby.com.au which i am stoked about.
I am now 100% excited. 大きな山はどこですか !!?
Here are some b+w, one of these rolls which I got developed last week, is over a year old D: D:
no time to proofread, missing my plane !
gung ho dudes, trying to do a band shoot. had 3 studio heads and ended up using only 1, set to lowest possible modeling lamp.
Venice Beach Nike store, where i bought my current shoes, my most favourite shoes ever. (and probably outlast vans 5 pairs to 1)
Thomas in the trunk of AmDrem, also Venice beach.
Kody Noplay
On the testicle facility, myself and Jordan were photo lurking all arvo. twas rad. i enjoy this lightleak immensely.
Will B atop Hyuna Picchu, trying to avoid some extremely bad weather.
not at all caf/i can believe it's not butter.
here's some colour to blow your eyes
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