Thursday, October 20, 2011

consistent acquisition of all things good

It's not often that I neglect this blog, mainly because I've a huge backlog, enjoy ranting and the world we live in accommodates for unbridled access to the internet at almost all times and locations. Although I like this circumstance I do harbour a bit of disdain for the situation so I made and effort, while in Cunnumulla over the last week, to void myself of all things digital communication based and enjoy the fruits of an extremely removed town.   I guess it went to plan as I succeeded in the first but not the second as I didn't really enjoy the fruits as we were shooting furiously all day and the night times were best suited to lounging on the balcony of the Hotel Cunnumulla.

I'm both geographically and personally back.  On return I was met with very few qualms, nothing I'd forgotten or people I'd disappointed (as far as i'm aware/concerned) and even managed to not be the last person to submit stuff for  a collective exhibit that I'm in this weekend..  Naturally I recommend you all to come, It's at Nine Lives and opens on Thrusday and remains this way till Sunday. I/we even put in to hook you all up with free beers on the night so come and sample the visual and taste based treats on offer.

This here is a preach of general shots relating to misc things (as per usual) so hopefully it tastes good.

some chad being the shredsman that he is



went to adelaide to shoot a web commercial, not sure if its up anywhere...


james at millions, assessing the babes i assume


some film shots from a day at Dayboro



A night shot from the location in Cunnumulla



Sgt. Craven

location by day and night, respectively.


tasting the Cooke S4s


general wig

some film shots from Vietnam, i'm still yet to scratch the surface of that trip and it's almost a year later, I figure that the photos will be lost to natural disaster or computer crash before i get even a 3rd of the way through :/

Hoi an kitty having a bask


Hanoi PD

C005323-R1-17-22 copy


this trailer is a crappy portrayal of what i figure is one of the greatest peices of visual and audio stimulation to date, released in 1982 by Phillip Glass


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