Thursday, June 16, 2011

destination: bliss

I've had a pretty glorious 24 hours.  Lots of taking, looking at and printing photos have contributed greatly to the great times that were at hand.  This full moon too! mmmm..  If you're up at 4am you should cast your eyes westward, i dar say you'll be intrigued... I've set my alarm but I'm terrible at waking up at the best of times, like before a flight or when I had to prepare for my postmod test!  I've been taking night photos a lot lately, something I used to do heaps but haven't really done consistently in a while, it's pretty enjoyable in the city but I need to spend more time out of this place!  I'd like to have done it again tonight but I've gotta slave over foamcore for the x amount of time.  I wasn't shooting for long but stayed up ages for duties regarding aforementioned show and didn't get to sleep for a while but it was fine!  Today I got everything i had to do done and a friend and i had an explore/rock picnic in the mountains just west of here and it was all quite pleasant!  I've been forcibly directed towards making more videos thanks to 2 friends in particular and today shot mostly video and i had a great time, must become the multi-medium man.

so the photos below are from my travels over the last 24 hours.  I might make the video stuff into something or just put it in my endless chronological video diary I've been compiling..  I wonder how long it will be when in 70....


i got surrounded by this moving black mass of stuff!!  it was quite creepy as i was on this small concrete pontoon that was slightly submerged, I couldn't tell what it/they were but I follwed them and assume it was some sort of fish school, probably teaching lessons of goodtimes and safe journeys.








ahhhh holidays, free creative reigns. mmmm...

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